Community centre plan for former Hyde Scout hut

A FORMER Scout hut in Hyde will be turned into a community centre if planning permission is granted.

What was the home of the 4th St George’s troop, on Albert Road, is currently being used as a pool hall.

But Muktar Ali has applied to Tameside Council for permission to convert it into a facility centred exclusively around up to 80 members of the community meeting and sitting down with food.

Former scout hut in Hyde. Image by GGC Media

According to documents supporting the application, events will include for a mehndi ceremony – where members of a bride’s family meet to share food and the females are decorated with henna, graduation celebrations, birthdays and baby showers.

One thing it will not do is serve alcohol and, according to papers, ‘the applicant is agreeable to these being legally enforceable by planning conditions.’

It will also not host weddings, because the applicants admit it is not big enough to host a Muslim ceremony.

There will also be no discos, nor anyone allowed on the outdoor decking area after sunset, given as 9.45pm in June.

And noise assessments have concluded a change of use will not cause extra issues.

They state: “The former use of the application site building as a Scout hut will, of course, have given rise to vehicles arriving and leaving the site, as well as people outside.

“Likewise, it will have given rise to patrons using the outside space.

“In general, the people and for example children playing outside in a residential area and the noise of vehicles is not significant.”

Tameside Council’s Speaker’s Panel (Planning) committee will decide whether to grant or refuse planning permission.


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