With a growing readership of 140,000 across Tameside, the Tameside Correspondent can help you to raise the profile of your business or event right at the heart of the community.

We offer advertisers a friendly service with a range of competitively priced advertising options of different sizes and prices to meet your needs in a professional manner – from the first steps of choosing your advert size to design.

We also offer a wide range of other promotional opportunities – for example, you may wish to support your advert with an editorial or by offering dedicated prizes or discount deals.

Or perhaps if you’re a smaller business want to promote your services or job vacancies, if you’re just looking to promote an event or have something to sell, why not consider a classified advert across our platforms?

We believe in working closely with our clients on a personal basis to ensure their aims and aspirations are achieved – just speak to one of our sales team about all the options available.

Any adverts should be agreed and submitted by the third Friday of the month for the following month.

For a copy of our media pack, which includes rates and more information about our platforms, please email gemma@ggcmedia.co.uk


Our platforms are published by GGC Media LTD.

1 The Advertiser is solely responsible for supplying suitable copy (including any artwork which may be required) within a reasonable time prior to the deadline discussed. In the event of the Publisher not receiving suitable copy the Publisher reserves the right to print:

1.1 The Name, address. telephone number and basic business category details of the Advertiser Or

1.2 other information, artwork or other material relating to the Advertiser, available to the public. Or

1.3 A previous advertisement printed on behalf of the Advertiser by the Publisher, and in respect of any case the Publisher will not be responsible for any error or omission arising there from.

2. Effective notice of the copy deadline date will be deemed to have been given by the Publisher by sending written notice to the Advertiser.

3. The Publisher reserves the right to position the advertisement as it sees fit not withstanding any preferred position requested by the Advertiser.

4. The Publisher does not accept liability for delays in publication. It is hereby agreed that delays in publication will not constitute a breach of this contract.

5. Confirmation in writing (this includes email correspondence), including these Terms and Conditions, constitutes the contract between the Advertiser and the Publisher and no employee or agent purporting to represent the Publisher has any right to vary the said Terms and Conditions unless confirmation for any special agreement is given in writing by a Director of GGC Media Limited submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

6.All artwork provided by the Advertiser to the Publisher shall remain the property of the Advertiser and shall remain at all times at the Advertiser’s risk.

7. Any artwork produced by the Publisher for the Advertiser is for sole use in publications published by GGC Media Limited, unless agreed in writing by the Publisher.

8.Acceptance by the Publisher of an order form is conditional upon: (i) permission being given by the Advertiser for the advertisement to appear in the publication or (ii) sufficient numbers of Advertisers being obtained to complete the publication. If either condition is unfulfilled any monies paid by the Advertiser will be refunded by the Publisher in full and the Publisher shall have no further liability.

9.Payment for any advertisement is to be made on receipt of invoice which will be issued by the Publisher on receipt of order or on publication.

10. If an advert is cancelled, there will be a charge of 50% of the advert price and any artwork costs incurred.