Local Elections 2023: Hyde Godley candidates

Betty Affleck (Labour and Co-Operative Party)

IT HAS been a privilege to work as your local councillor in and for a place I love and have lived in most of my life.

My priority as a member of the Hyde Task Force is to work to identify new initiatives and ideas in support of the development of Hyde own Ccentre to ensure it is attractive to live in and visit, encourages independent businesses and is economically and socially vibrant.

I am delighted to be a member of the team organising the popular Mela event again this August, I have worked with fellow councillors to renew the children’s play equipment in Hyde Park and have organised community clean ups and litter picks.

I know times are hard for many, fuel prices rising, the surge in the cost of living and food banks struggling to keep up with demand.

Godley’s Labour Team works in and with our community for your best outcomes and will continue to do so if elected.

David McAllister (Labour and Co-Operative Party)

I HAVE the honour to be standing along with my two colleagues in Godley as Labour and Co-Operative candidates.

I have had the pleasure of living in Hyde for 23 years. It was in 2000 I that I moved down from Scotland and settled in Hyde with my wife and two children.

I have endeavoured to make myself a valuable and productive member of the community. It was important to me to give back to such a welcoming neighbourhood.

I have proudly worked for our NHS for more than 20 years as a healthcare assistant. It is very rewarding working for our NHS because I get to meet and support so many different individuals.

I am also a Unison steward and branch secretary.

These roles have made me keenly aware of the troubling issues that people face on a daily basis.

I ask you please to give your three votes for Labour and Co-operative on May 4 so that all three of us can continue to support the residents of Godley.

Andrea Colbourne (Conservative)

IT IS a huge honour to be standing for re-election in Hyde Godley.

It’s been an absolute pleasure to represent my community since you elected me as your councillor last May.

We have achieved a lot together, but there is still more to do.

I’d love to get the opportunity to continue what I’ve started locally, and to continue to represent Godley residents alongside my Conservative ward candidates Melissa Molloy and Ali Reza on Tameside Council.

Our priorities for Hyde Godley:

We continue to oppose the destruction of Godley Green and will carry on fighting to save our Green Belt.

We want to see cleaner and greener streets.

Tackle empty buildings and regenerating our town centre – make sure buildings like Hyde Library are put to good use and not left to rot like our current Labour council has done.

Voters have THREE votes, to select THREE Councillors for the ward.

Vote for a team of Conservative councillors who will actively campaign for you and your family’s priorities.

Joe Kitchen (Labour and Co-Operative Party)

I AM married with four children and five grandchildren.

I’m delighted to have been re-selected as the Labour and Co-operative Party candidate alongside my colleagues, Betty Affleck and David McAllister.

If re-elected I will work alongside my colleagues, local businesses and local residents and community groups to make Hyde a better place to work and live in.

After 13 years of mismanagement by this Tory Government it has left local businesses and residents in the middle of a cost of living crisis with energy, mortgages and food prices going up by record amounts.

As chair of the newly formed Hyde Town Centre Delivery Group I will continue to work on The Hyde Town Centre Plan, which will be going out for public consultation before the end of May.

Don’t forget government decisions do affect local services, businesses and residents.

Please support myself and my colleagues with three votes for Labour and Co-operative.

Melissa Molloy (Conservative)

HI, I AM Melissa, I live locally with my husband and two young children.

I am a branch manager of a DIY store. My family uses the local amenities like Hyde Park and our town centre and my children attend a local nursery and school.

I have a real passion to ensure the place I live is protected for future generations and is a thriving and pleasant area.

If I am elected to be your councillor, I would continue with the work I have started in the ward, reporting fly tipping, ensuring pot holes and road maintenance are actioned.

I would arrange regular litter picks and ensure to be approachable and available to deal with local issues.

In addition, I oppose Godley Green Development and would strongly support the regeneration of Hyde town centre and driving footfall back to our town.

Every single vote will count, use your three votes to create change in Hyde Godley, vote Melissa Molloy.

Zebedee Powell (Green Party)

I HAVE always been looking for ways to help out when it comes to our environment.

I gave up my car years ago and now just walk everywhere or use public transport.

Also, I try to help clear up our moorlands whenever out rambling by collecting litter where I can.

Now more than ever it seems most important for us all to do what we can to help our planet.

Please consider me for your vote.

Ali Reza (Conservative)

I AM delighted and honoured to be your Conservative candidate for Hyde Godley.

I am a graduate working in education as a designated safeguarding lead for more than 10 years. I am married with three sons and a daughter and live in Hyde.

As a community activist, I have been working closely with voluntary and statutory organisations to represent the local diverse community, to make our voice heard and improve community cohesion.

I have tried to help with serving the wider community for more than two decades as trustee of a local charity organisation.

It’s time for a change in Hyde Godley, our priority to you is to help protect our Green Belt, to keep our streets clean and green and listen to what is important to our residents for a brighter future for us and for the generations to follow.

You can make this happen by voting for three Conservatives in Hyde Godley.


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