IF you are looking to improve your physical, mental and social well-being as well as enjoy the great outdoors, then Nordic Walking might be just the thing for you.
Nordic Walking Tameside are passionate about promoting the benefits of being active outdoors for people of all ages through enjoyable but effective exercise.
The exercise was originally a way for cross country skiers to stay fit during the summer and was first used as a programme in Finland in the 1990s.

It has gradually been adapted over the years to be more inclusive and suitable for all levels, and there is a network of groups across the UK as well as around the world.
Jane Lees, who runs Nordic Walking Tameside, said: “Nothing beats the combination of natural movement, fresh air and fun!
“Even if you regularly work out and don’t have any injuries to think about, Nordic Walking is an incredible full-body exercise.
“Nordic Walking uses 90 per cent of major muscles, compared to the 45 per cent of regular walking, and will burns up to 46 per cent more calories.“Since it is a group exercise, we also bring a social element. Being outdoors helps boost people’s mood and energy, and lowers stress and blood pressure.
“Anyone can give it a go, and many people also enjoy a self-confidence boost from learning a new skill.
“You don’t need to be super fit to Nordic Walk, it’s suitable for all fitness levels and abilities. If you can walk, you can Nordic Walk!”Nordic walking is all about forward propulsion rather than stability. It is important to use the correct types of poles which are always planted at an angle with a full upper body movement that harnesses the power of the chest and shoulders as well as the arms.
Every step becomes a full body exercise which includes the core, your heart and lungs. It can be as cardiovascular as running but feels easier because the poles provide propulsion, making you lighter on your feet.
It tones the whole body, improves posture, and doesn’t put as much pressure on your joints as running does.
The poles help spread your weight across all four limbs, reducing the impact going through the leg joints, lowering the risk of back, neck and knee pain.
The continual contraction and relaxation of the neck and shoulder muscles leads to reduced tension in those areas, and there’s also an emphasis on building good posture.
It’s also a great form of weight-bearing exercise, helping to counteract the decline in muscle mass and bone density during perimenopause and menopause.
Studies have compared the effects of Nordic Walking in comparison to other types of exercise, including conventional walking, and found that Nordic Walking offered the most benefits.
Nordic Walking Tameside offers free taster sessions so you can discover the power of the poles for yourself.
There are beginners sessions to show you how to use the poles and get the most from Nordic Walking. Poles are provided.
The group has 10 walks every week to suit a wide range of abilities and fitness levels, whether you want a more social flatter walk, or to challenge yourself with some hills.
There are also longer walks twice a month, trips away, and social events.
For more information or to book sessions visit the website
NordicWalkingTameside.co.uk or call Jane on 07847 786 939 or email NWTameside@gmail.com