Breaking News Featured News Ashton lightning strike caught on camera Gary Carter January 7, 2022 No Comments ashton under lynecctvdave weekesfire and rescuefootagegreater anchesterNewsnewspaperStore StreetTamesideTameside Correspodnentwaterloo HERE is the image of the lightning strike that is believed to have sparked a fire at a house in Ashton this morning. David Weekes’ CCTV camera caught the moment the property on Store Street was hit this morning. BY DAVID WEEKES: A LIGHTNING strike may be the cause of a fire that saw the roof of a home gutted. Property was damaged in the early morning fire in Ashton-Under-Lyne (Fri). And footage taken by a nearby home’s CCTV camera emerged of a bolt hitting a property in the vicinity. People living on Store Street were awoken by the sound of fire engines arriving to deal with the blaze, which broke out in the roof space of an end terraced property. Share this:TweetPrint Related