Supermarket vows to tackle trolleys being dumped in Stalybridge canal

A SUPERMARKET giant is keen to work with people frustrated at the amount of shopping trolleys they pull from the canal in Stalybridge.

Frustrations are growing among those eager to keep the water as clean as possible, with reports of ’30-plus’ belonging to Aldi regularly being fished from the stretch.

Complaints from members of the public, concerned at the regularity of the problem, have also been reported.

Canal and River Trust fish out more than 30 trolleys from the canal in Stalybridge

However, The Correspondent has learned the firm, which has a store on Leech Street, wants to liaise with the Canal and River Trust with the aim of tacking the issue.

It is understood it has also gone above store manager level but to area manager status.

Officials at the Canal and River Trust, which is responsible for the upkeep of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal as it runs through Stalybridge, were growing frustrated at not being able to get through to Aldi bosses.

In an email, seen by The Correspondent, they say: “We, as a trust, fully understand that acts of vandalism and anti-social behaviour are beyond their remit to control or enforce.

“We work very hard to maintain these canals and we sometimes work with partners such as Stalybridge Town Team to keep that town centre clean and tidy.

“Collectively, all of us are disheartened and disappointed with what is going on here.

“We’re not asking anybody from Aldi to enter the water as we have to, but a little cooperation would go a long way.

“The response from Aldi has been extremely disappointing.”

Yet when approached, Aldi insisted it wants to work with people and address the trolley issue.

A spokesperson said: “We are keen to collaborate with the Canal and River Trust to resolve this issue and are exploring potential solutions with our maintenance contractors.”