Friends begin Tame Valley clean-up after flooding

VOLUNTEERS have helped clear up areas of a river valley affected by recent flooding.

Wild weather over the New Year period saw large sections of the Tame Valley become polluted by all manner of litter.

And with water levels being raised, it extended into trees and bushes along the site.

But on Wednesday, January 22, the Friends of the Tame Valley – which looks after areas from Shepley Road in Audenshaw to Mill Lane in Haughton Green – worked alongside United Utilities River Rangers to start the clean-up.

And teams are working hard to clear the worst affected sections of the river, ensuring that the area is clean before the onset of the growing season.

Andrew Gwynne MP, secretary of Friends of the Tame Valley, said: “Once again I am delighted to see the hard work of the volunteers who have worked tirelessly to clean up the affected area.

“My staff have been liaising with United Utilities to assist in the clean-up and I’m happy to say they have committed resources such as their River Rangers to assist with volunteer efforts cleaning up the river”
Friends of the Tame Valley will be hosting their fourth birthday AGM and litter pick on Saturday, February 15 at 11.30am.

Anyone from the surrounding area is welcomed and encouraged to go along and lend a hand.