Tameside Council launches ‘The big friendly book return’

IF you’ve got overdue or damaged library books gathering dust at home, now’s the perfect time to bring them back!

Tameside Council has launched ‘The big friendly book return’ –  an initiative encouraging residents to return long-lost or well-loved library books.

The program, aimed at children’s books borrowed from Tameside Libraries, begins immediately and offers amnesty for all overdue or damaged items.

Simply drop them in the dedicated Big Friendly Book Return box at your local library or hand them over at the counter and your account will be cleared – no questions asked.

The council emphasises that it doesn’t matter how long you’ve had the books or what condition they’re in – they just want them back.

Once your account is cleared, you’ll be able to borrow books again and enjoy everything Tameside Libraries have to offer.

For more details, visit your nearest Tameside Library or check the council’s website.