Fourth senior Tameside Council member quits, calling for ‘fundamental change’

A FOURTH senior member of Tameside Council has resigned their role, saying it has ‘let down’ its children and needs ‘fundamental change.’

The Correspondent told how cabinet member Cllr Jack Naylor was joined by assistant executive Cllr Hugh Roderick and Cllr Claire Reid, who chaired a key scrutiny panel.

Now Cllr George Newton, who held the title of assistant executive member – communications, has joined them.

That makes it all three Denton South representatives to have stepped down on the same day as leader Cllr Gerald Cooney’s regime comes under increasing pressure.

It is also believed there is a chance the national Labour Party may take action.

And Cllr Newton spelled out why he feels ‘recent events’ – including the sacking of two cabinet members – tell him there is ‘no desire for that change.’

He wrote: “Tameside Council needs fundamental change. Recent events have proven that there is no desire for that change.

“Tameside can be – and should be – an exemplar council, delivering the best possible outcomes for its residents. This is not the case and nothing better exemplifies this than the dire situation with children’s services.

“Our children deserve every chance and opportunity that I had growing up in Tameside. They don’t. This council has let them down.

“We have not owned the mistakes in children’s services and it seems this administration is incapable of making the necessary tough and strategic decisions required to get the service back into shape.”

Cllr Newton also highlighted a damning report into children’s services by government-appointed commissioner Andy Couldrick.

And the time to speak out has come, especially after the forced replacement of Cllrs Eleanor Wills and John Taylor.

He added, after Tameside Council’s chief executive Sandra Stewart also stepped down: “Furthermore, the recent Commissioner’s Report highlighted that Tameside Council had a ‘toxic’ culture. It spoke of ‘bullying, fear’ and ‘intimidation.’

“A council where its decision-making process is unclear, with ‘too much passivity in this leadership.’

“The starkest part about this assessment was not the words, but that so many of us within the Labour group recognised it but have been mute for too long.

“How can change come about within the council if those same qualities are present within the Labour group?

“Where the talent and ability we so desperately need is sacked without reason or explanation?

“I implore you and senior members of your administration to take responsibility. And I encourage my friends and colleagues to assess their role in this crisis.”


9 Replies to “Fourth senior Tameside Council member quits, calling for ‘fundamental change’”

  1. You’ve all done the right thing at what could be considerable personal cost.

    Lets hope your efforts succeed and we can live in a Borough which we are proud of.

  2. Tameside council is sending homeless families – many having been served section 21 no fault eviction by their landlords- to bed bug infested accommodation in Manchester City. They have no cooking facilities to cater for their children in these hostels, they are run down, tawdry looking places, where no one with any sense of pride would wish to eat in anyway. Is this not letting down vulnerable children I ask?

  3. This situation hasn’t happened overnight don’t forget it’s been 13 yrs. outrageous for a start and a complete disgrace to our children and families in this borough. Shameful is the new the name of Tameside.

      What will it take for these servants of the people understand there is no more room for lies, deceit and corruption in todays good and great society.
      I am sure more dirt will surface in the media from this fall out, and hopefully with more heads to roll.

      The reform party will help rid us of the parasites, and continuous waste of public money.

  4. Looks likes the wheels have fallen off this council at last the these councillors are standing up to the bully the last leader of the council was a dictator only to be replaced with another one allegedly.

  5. Its a pity our MPs dont stand up to the cuts to fuel allowance, that will endanger the lives of our elderly generation, its bitter cold tonight and I bet a lot of them are in bed with the heating turned off.

  6. There have been significant problems with children’s services under Ged Cooney’s management going back as far as 2011 at least. This action has been a long time coming and I hope it’s followed by more action, not just lots of empty promises.

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