Tameside urged to ‘bin less’ and ‘think Green’

PUTTING less food, clothes and other waste in your bins are just some of the things residents in Tameside are being encouraged to do. 

Bosses are urging people across the borough to ‘think Green’ as part of Zero Waste Month.

Topping up a reusable water bottle at re-fill stations is one way they have cited to help reduce plastic waste, while staying hydrated.

When it comes to food, storing food properly, using up leftovers and planning meals can help reduce food waste and save money on weekly food shops.

Recipes, shopping lists and top tips can be found on the council website at https://www.tameside.gov.uk/slowcookerproject

Households can also create value from waste to benefit Greater Manchester, by donating items to recycling centres to be repaired or renewed so they can be resold to a new home.

Such items can be furniture, electricals, toys, bikes and sporting equipment, gardening and DIY equipment, and white goods.

The money raised from Recycle for Greater Manchester’s Renew project is donated to the Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity and Recycle for Greater Manchester Community Fund.

Residents are also being encouraged to recycle wearable clothes, by taking them to charity shops or clothing banks at local recycling centres, supermarket car parks and in some clothing shops. This enables clothes to be saved from going to waste and helps the environment.

Tameside’s libraries are hosting a Children’s Fancy Dress Swap where pre-loved costumes, in a good and clean condition, can be donated to any library during staffed hours before October 2.

Councillor Denise Ward, Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Environmental Services, said: “We’re encouraging all residents to reuse, renew and recycle as much as possible as by making the smallest of changes, together we are making the biggest differences.

“I encourage everyone to Think Green by reducing their waste and making changes to support the environment and build a better future for us all.”

More information on how to ‘think Green’ can be found at https://www.tameside.gov.uk/thinkgreen

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