Review: Heartfelt journey back in time at Guide Bridge Theatre

NOSTALGIA permeates the air at Guide Bridge Theatre’s production of ‘Our Day Out’, Willy Russell’s tale of youthful adventure and unlikely friendships.

Set against the backdrop of a school coach outing to Conwy Castle, this 1977 classic unfolds with charm, capturing the essence of a group of under-achieving students on a journey both literal and metaphorical.

At the heart of the story is Claire White’s portrayal of a compassionate teacher, Mrs Kay, a beacon of patience and understanding amidst a group of disadvantaged students dubbed the ‘progress’ class.

Her performance evokes empathy, endearing the audience to the youngsters she champions so fiercely.

The staging is simple with few props and clever direction – I was particularly drawn to the artwork reminiscent of classic ‘Grange Hill’ animation. Credit must be given to John Lees and Frank Brown to their artistic talent for those.

Among the ensemble, Charlie Boardman shines as Riley, commanding the stage with infectious energy and wit that had the audience laughing out loud.

Yet, it is Caitlin Bird’s portrayal of Carol that steals the spotlight, her performance unravelling layers of vulnerability and strength as the story unfolds resonates deeply.

‘Our Day Out’ is a journey filled with warmth, laughter and a touch of melancholy. It celebrates the universal experience of school trips while touching on themes of youth, resilience and the power of compassion. The cast, despite the intimate setting, works so well together.

Guide Bridge Theatre’s rendition of ‘Our Day Out’ is excellent, a must-see for anyone seeking an evening of pure theatrical delight in Audenshaw. Our Day out runs until September 14, including a matinee performance. Tickets can be purchased at: – but be quick, there are not many left!