By George Lythgoe -Local Democracy Reporter
ASBESTOS has been discovered in Hyde Town Hall which also suffers from a lack of hot water and central heating – now council wants to spend £500,000 to sort the problems.
According to a recent report, the boilers in the civic hub of the Tameside town broke down in 2023, meaning large areas of the building are currently heated by portable electrical heaters and hot water is at a premium. This was only ever meant to be a temporary solution.
To make matters worse, earlier this year asbestos was found in the basement and a small section of the ground floor, council papers describe.
A total of £497,000 from the £1.896m maintenance budget has been approved by town hall bosses in order to rectify the situation as well as provide a bit of titration to the interior of the building.
The Grade-II listed building last saw a ‘light refurbishment’ back in 2015 and needs other works to bring it up to standard, states the report.
The report, published on August 1, read: “The boilers need to be replaced for the building to benefit from heating and hot water in the long term. Tender enquiries have been issued to obtain costs for replacement, with the best value return totalling £0.428m, this will replace two boilers in the basement and two boilers on the roof.
“In early 2024 asbestos was discovered in the basement and a small area of the ground floor, and the areas have been made secure pending the abatement works. Asbestos abatement works need to be carried out in these areas before any other works can take place.
“For example, it would not be possible to replace the boilers in the plant room without completion of the asbestos abatement and it is also affecting day to day operations in the undercroft and basement. The estimated cost for asbestos related works is £0.068m.”
There is an aim to place the Children’s Services team within the 139-year-old building as they continue implementing their improvement plan. To accommodate them, the GP’s practice currently based at the Market Street site will have to move out – resulting in a loss of income of £6,000 per year.
The town hall does feature as a focal point in the Hyde Town Centre Masterplan, with a new public realm proposed for just outside its front door.
The report states that the building could be used for future events and generate more income from that in the years to come.
Let’s hope that if it’s not already been done they split the heating circuits within the building so that individual areas can be heated outside normal hours as required without having to heat all the building.
Mind you, seeing all the lights on Ashton outside market blazing away round the clock for the past eight months and still on, I doubt if our ‘cut the carbon’ council has energy conservation on its list of worthwhile things to do.
Unfortunately for we council-tax payers, no one seems to hold Tameside council to account on anything.
Just knock it down it’s a bad eyesore anyway, replace it with a Macdonalds that’s what people really need there as it’s so much effort going to hattersley for a MC flurry you know.