Rotary club of Tameside grant helps families enjoy Chester Zoo trip

MONEY raised by kind-hearted Rotarians helped 80 children and their families enjoy a fabulous day at Chester Zoo.

The 4C Community Centre in Ashton-under-Lyne had been granted complimentary tickets to the attraction for families who use the facility, but were faced with the obstacle of how to pay for travel.

They applied to Tameside Rotary’s ‘Small Grants, Big Difference’ scheme, in which local groups and organisations bid for a slice of the £8,000 raised through last year’s Santa float tour.

4C Ashton Chester Zoo trip

In turn, they successfully received £500 which went towards funding a coach so they could get there and back.

Unfortunately there was no seat left for Tameside Rotary’s outgoing President Steve Knowles, who was at the centre early last Sunday (July 7) to wave them off.

“I’m disappointed they couldn’t squeeze me onto the coach – not even in the baggage hold,” he joked.

“However, it was wonderful to see the coach filling up with families with their goodie bags prepared by Josie.

“Tameside Rotarians work hard all year round to raise funds to support the local community and we were so pleased to be able to offer some financial support for this trip which we hope created special memories for the children and families.”

The children were very excited to see the animals and everyone had a brilliant time.

Josie Kemp, administrator at the 4C Community Centre, said: “We came prepared as the weather said it was going to be thundering and lots of rain. However, the rain stayed away and it was blue skies in the afternoon which was great.

“We had some tired little legs on our way home but everyone was very grateful for the trip and there were lots of happy faces! Thank you so much to Tameside Rotary for the very kind donation towards the cost of the coach.”