Plans for former Stalybridge Clinic site unveiled

THE AREA once occupied by Stalybridge Clinic would be turned into a new Riverside Piazza after details and illustrations were released.

Millson Group is inviting members of the public to a consultation event on Monday, April 17 as it looks to develop the site.

Now it has unveiled what it wants to do as it looks to create homes, retail and hospitality spaces, including the creation of a Riverside Walk linking Stamford Street to the War Memorial.

As well as an apartment block fronting Stamford Street, The Correspondent can show the new Riverside Piazza, which Millson Group ‘hopes to boost use of the new public realm offered to support the regeneration plans of Stalybridge.’

They added: “At the heart of this development is the Riverside Walk, linking the site to the War Memorial and the Town Centre for the public.

“More information will be provided at the event on these proposals. Please join us to learn about the exciting plans and let us have your thoughts.”

The consultation event takes place from 4pm until 6.30pm at Stalybridge Civic Hall in the community room.

Anyone looking to attend is asked to RSVP to the event on where Millson Group will publish its proposals for all those unable to join.

3 Replies to “Plans for former Stalybridge Clinic site unveiled”

  1. It looks to be an exciting and modern development, something to be proud of after 18 years of denial of access to the area, which is now an unsightly scar on the face of Stalybridge. I hope there will be plenty of positive comment at the Consultation as this development represents a plus for the town. There has been something of a revival of fortunes in Stalybridge recently, with the Summers Quay development and the ongoing work on the Police Station site. This is all forward-looking, Stalybridge can’t remain tied to the past.

  2. I agree that the site of the old clinic needs to be developed but a huge residential development there will be a blight on that area. My main concern is that more people in Staly ridge will need facilities such as doctors, parking, school places etc.The town is overstretched already

  3. I hope this proposal will be well thought out, relevant and affordable for people to use. We don’t want more empty, never been rented retail units like ones in Armeteries Square. Stalybridge need to be able to attract little Independants who can attract residents into their shops, bars and resturants.

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