THE WEATHER may have been baking – but the feeling and sentiment towards Dane Bank’s Horses’ Field was just as warm.
July 17 saw the area on Thornley Lane south throw open its gates for visitors to find out all about its occupant and, of course, be among them. And it is fair to say they did not disappoint.
Civic Mayor of Tameside. Cllr Mike Glover, helped judge the cake competition, which was won by Aura Taylor for her pineapple upside down creation.
There was also a ‘Name the Horse’ plush toy for the children as well as face painting.
People who attended – and there were plenty, with chair of the Friends of the Horses’ Field Association Jan Bunner saying ‘some even turned up early’ – signed a visitors’ book and saw details of proposals of further tree planting via City of Trees.
Tameside Police’s local constables enjoyed an afternoon away from crime fighting after being invited by Councillor Mike Smith who was also there, with ward colleagues Councillor George Jones and Councillor Brenda Warrington.
Jan added: “We also raised £310 on the day, which was great, especially as the impending heat warning was looming and unsure of who would get to us.
“It was a very successful day and happy outcome, especially after a three-year absence.”
You can find the Friends of the Horses’ Field Association on Facebook, on Twitter at @FHFATameside and on Instagram at @friendsofthehorsefielddanebank.