Tree-sy does it Mossley planting initiative likely to restart

MOSSLEY may see trees planted all over the town over the next decade after a scheme was reborn.

After originally agreeing to put 1,000 in various locations, Mossley Town Council has agreed to restart the initiative after plans fell by the wayside.

And according to Councillor Dean Aylett, it is ‘an initiative that could not fail’.

Mossley Town Council’s meeting on January 12 heard it had agreed a proposal to plant 1,000 trees in Mossley at an estimated cost of £10,000 over a 10-year period.

MOSSLEY may see trees planted all over the town over the next decade after a scheme was reborn | Photo by Gary Carter

It was later proposed that a community group would take on the proposal but with a far greater liability to the town council over a shorter period – that, however, never happened.

But after discussions about getting things back off the ground, it looks like it may start again.

Under proposals, 100 trees a year would be put into the ground in the local area.

The Town Council will be offering each school leaver or community group the chance to take part.

Each junior school leaver being given an opportunity to own a tree and to plant it in their desired location.

Each school in the town will receive details of the proposal, its objectives and some educational literature.

If successful, this will roll on year after year whilst also giving the town council an auditing trail of where and when the trees are to be planted.

Cllr Dean Aylett

Cllr Aylett also highlighted ‘the added anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II which could be utilised as an initial point to contact within the first year.’

He also pointed out to the council his preference for fruit trees as planting fruit trees in the town could see locally-grown produce and people becoming connected to the growing process.

Planting fruit trees could mean cleaner air, reduced energy costs and green jobs. It could also help deal with storm water.

And if produce is local, it will mean lower transport costs.

Consideration will also be given to indigenous tree species if a suitable planting scheme becomes apparent.

The original cost was to be a maximum of £10,000 but that could be open to fluctuations and amendments.

In his report, Cllr Aylett said: “The Town Council will be investing in the future of Mossley without a depreciation value and at a minimum of a small portion of its yearly budget.

“We will be forerunners in the carbon neutral objectives that are to be met across the globe and investing in the future wellbeing of the local area.

“The Town Council will be investing in educational opportunities for residents and forming part of the Queens Canopy.

“The town council would be embarking on an initiative that could not fail.”