Former Hyde Library to be deemed ‘surplus asset’

HYDE’S former library is set to be deemed a ‘surplus asset’ by Tameside Council, who have been accused of letting it ‘rot.’

The 122-year-old building on Union Street has stood empty since 2015, when the facility was moved into the town hall.

Conservative councillors have not held back in their criticism of the authority’s handling of the structure.

Now after failing to get it converted, the council is likely to deem it as surplus in an attempt to market it.

The former Hyde library on Union Street

A meeting of the executive cabinet on Wednesday is set to rubber stamp the decision on the former library, built in 1899, along with several other buildings in the borough.

And they say keeping hold of it could put off anyone interested in buying it.

In a report, it states: “Retention of any part of the building is likely to be expensive and result in a viability gap which, may either deter partner or private developer interest, or require gap funding in order to make any scheme on the site commercially viable.

“In seeking to declare the subject asset surplus, this would represent the first step in promoting conversion or redevelopment of the derelict property.”

Fierce debate has rumbled on over the former Hyde library and other buildings in Tameside.

Hyde councillor Phil Chadwick angrily hit back after Cllr Oliver Ryan insisted: “They’ve not been left to rot.”

He said: “I assume that Councillor Ryan has been inside Hyde Library and seen the state of the interior, has been round the outside and seen all the smashed windows and boarded up buildings that surround it.

“To say that the building hasn’t been left to rot is an absolute disgrace and a lie.”

Other buildings on the list likely to be deemed surplus include the chapel at Mossley Cemetery, the former Waterloo Library in Ashton and land at Mill Lane in Denton, next to the site of the former Two Trees High School.


3 Replies to “Former Hyde Library to be deemed ‘surplus asset’”

  1. This council are a total disgrace just leaving heritage buildings empty until the only solution is demolition then sell the land for another ugly block of Flats.

  2. Was the building not bequeathed to Hyde Urban District Council by Victorian benefactors in perpetuity for the benefit of the community. It is not there to be disposed of when Tameside MDC want to spend money on Ashton.

  3. No library, no swimming pool, no cinema, what a dump, £180 a month council tax for what

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