Happy birthday Tameside Rotary

TAMESIDE Rotary celebrated its fourth charter night at Dukinfield Golf Club on October 29.

President Peter Holden took the opportunity to present Hayley Houlston, from Tameside Young Carers, and Karen Baker, from Willow Wood Hospice, each with cheques for £2,500.

Peter joked he had just been to Rotary’s district assembly where they were advised the new way forward was not with the ‘presentation of cheques or chicken dinners’.

Whoops! They did both of those things but as a very modern club, they hope they can be forgiven as they only meet once per month as opposed to the usual once per week and have a new membership recruitment idea in the pipeline in the hope of growing Tameside Rotary to more than 30 members.

If you are interested in joining, please contact them through their Facebook page or website or just turn up to one of the monthly meetings.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, November 12 at 7pm at Ashton Golf Club.

For more details see the website www.TamesideRotaryClub.com or go to Facebook Page Tameside Rotary Club.

Pictured left: President Peter Holden presents cheques to Hayley and Karen.
Pictured top: President Peter Holden with Tameside Civic Mayor Councillor Leigh Drennan, Peter’s partner Valerie, mayor consort Cory James, district governor Patrick Tyrell and his partner Jean and assistant district governor Marion Basu with her husband Partha.