By-election looms for Mossley Town Council following resignation

MOSSLEY Town Council is seeking a new member after Lancashire Ward Councillor Bev Bennett resigned.

The departure marks the second vacancy in this seat in recent times following Sally Davies’ decision to step down shortly after her election in 2023.

Cllr Bennett was co-opted on to the panel as a replacement, but her decision to leave has triggered the potential for a by-election.

A formal notice has been issued, inviting 10 electors from the Lancashire Ward of Mossley to request an election.

If such a request is made in writing to the borough’s returning officer by January 29, a by-election will be scheduled.

Should one be called, it will take place no later than April 2.

However, if no request for an election is received by the deadline, Mossley Town Council will proceed with a co-option process to fill the vacant seat.

Anyone interested in submitting a request for an election is asked to write to the Returning Officer at Tameside Council’s offices.