Construction firm lend a hand at Tame Valley

THE mission to make the Tame Valley an attractive place for the public to enjoy continues.

A local construction company got involved in the latest day of action at the nature reserve.

MP Andrew Gwynne and the Friends of the Tame Valley group were joined by staff from Amey recently at Jet Amber Fields.

Andrew Gwynne with Amey and Friends of Tame Valley

Amey spent their Corporate Social Responsibility day clearing fallen trees and other obstructions from footpaths and bridleways in the area.

“It’s a big job and we are really grateful to Amey for their help in making this part of the Valley more accessible,” said Gwynne, who represents Denton in Parliament.

“A big thanks also to Chris Clarke and Steve Martin at Friends of the Tame Valley for organising the day.”

Since forming in March 2021, the Friends group has dedicated its time to looking after the Tame Valley and the surrounding areas.

Anyone who would like to join can contact the team by emailing