ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE has been billed as being at the centre of a ‘pioneering approach’ to regeneration by Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham.
The prospectus for the Ashton Mayoral Development Zone (AMDZ), which will see three areas – the town centre, St Petersfield and Ashton Moss – focused upon, has been produced.
And Mayor Burnham is in no doubt what is being proposed can bring benefits to the Tameside town, with 3,000 new jobs and 1,500 new homes mentioned.
In the document, he says: “Our vision for Ashton is clear – we want to build good quality, affordable homes, create a thriving town centre and open skills and employment opportunities in growing industries.
“The Ashton Mayoral Development Zone has been set up to spearhead the regeneration of the area. Ashton and Tameside have outstanding assets that the Mayoral Development Zone can build on.
“Metrolink, the new bus interchange and the rollout of the Bee Network mean the town is well-connected by public transport.
“The redevelopment of Ashton Old Baths and enhanced digital infrastructure have been a catalyst for attracting new digital and tech companies.
“Tameside College has invested more than £100 million in its campus, where students are developing skills tailored to the local economy.
“The Mayoral Development Zone is a new, pioneering approach to regeneration that allows us to go further, faster.”
Ashton Mayoral Development Zone is hoped to bring many changes, in both residential and commercial sectors.
According to the document, it hopes to ‘improve the choice of homes in particular modern energy efficient homes for rent and sale, including affordable homes.’
It also states it wants to, ‘capitalise on the short-term development opportunity at Ashton Moss, which is available for development without the need for strategic infrastructure.
‘Attract large scale employment in target sectors – especially advanced materials and manufacturing but also health innovation, digital, creative and media and clean growth.’
It also wants to, ‘increase footfall in the town centre and grow and diversify the town centre offer including housing, leisure, health and culture.’
One major part is the proposed Ashton Moss Innovation Park, which could see the area straddling the M60 motorway turned into a centre of science and innovation.
Thousands of new jobs would be created and the document says it, ‘has the potential to provide growth space for Tameside’s manufacturing and engineering sectors and to attract inward investment, particularly in advanced materials/manufacturing, alongside greater engagement with higher educational institutions.’
A St Petersfield Masterplan identifies nine development opportunities that will contribute to the regeneration of what is described as one of Greater Manchester’s most deprived wards.
It includes proposals for a mix of uses including new homes, commercial/office floor space, hotel space, food and drink establishments and public realm improvements.
And councillors were told: “The council is open to considering what balance of land uses come forward, with the potential for a greater emphasis on residential development, whilst ensuring office space is delivered for a range of expanding businesses in the borough and beyond.”
They were also told of the opportunities the AMDZ could bring.
Residentially, they learned that to increase visitors and footfall, ‘an improved residential offer is needed to attract higher income residents, businesses and retain the existing population.’
The document adds: “Ashton-under-Lyne’s Town Centre is currently dominated by older terraces and has a limited choice of type and tenure.
“The delivery of modern homes in the town centre will support its vitality and importantly will support increasing values and therefore viability of the local residential market.
“There are a number of vacant and/or underutilised sites, some of which are in public ownership which could be used to kick start the delivery of modern homes (flats and houses) in the town centre across a range of tenures. These include sites in public ownership well served by public transport hubs.
“The vision for Ashton’s residential market is to provide a wider choice of homes to rent and buy which could attract families and young professionals as well as those looking to downsize or for affordable homes.”
Commercially, a wider range is needed.
The prospectus states: “Like many other centres there is a need to rebalance the retail offer within the centre to provide a more diversified offer which will attract users from a wider catchment to visit the centre more frequently and spend more time and money.
“Recent investment in the heart of the town (including Tameside One, Tameside College and the Bus Interchange) and the Levelling Up Fund projects delivery will be harnessed to stimulate further investment to attract new occupiers into vacant space, revamping the Market Square, repurposing existing underutilised/vacant buildings and developing on vacant/underutilised sites.
“This will be kickstarted through development on a number of vacant sites owned by the public sector.”
The vision for Ashton is backed by leader of Tameside Council, Cllr Gerald Cooney.
In the report, he says: “The Ashton Mayoral Development Zone is an exciting and vital opportunity to unlock Ashton’s potential and generate economic growth with new employment, homes and retail/leisure facilities.
“Through joint working we can build on the significant investments already underway around transport and digital links to bring together plans around the zone’s three principal sites – Ashton Moss, St Petersfield and Ashton town centre.
“These developments will raise the profile of Tameside as a whole, delivering innovation that will attract large scale employment in target sectors.
“This will provide higher skilled and higher paid jobs for our residents. Together we can transform and boost Ashton’s thriving community.”
Ashton Moss West
The latest dumb brain idea to be offered in the plans to the future of the Moss so pilling can begin for foundations ,they propose to bulldoze all the hundreds of tons of rubble down towards the residents homes this will create a water run off and flooding to property’s gardens a problem residents are already aware of.
Your Mayor and council leader Ged Clooney who voted yes for this development should ask questions to planners and insist the rubble should be removed from the site and not risk future flooding to residents property.
Tameside planners should include and insist developers remove the tons of rubble from the site and not spread it down to the slope down to property’s .
Time to vote for Angela Rayner I don’t think so pay back time I asked our so called MP to speak to government environment officers to put our case regarding Ashton Moss West and for the land to stay green now so many trees and wild life have made home there and with the new government promise to promote wild life and tree planting
Asked if she would visit the site no response no comment no support from her next in line Gerald Cooney.
We do not want MP or councillors who are yes men and women Kieran Quinn was the the true meaning of a man of the people he knew how to support and and fight a case for residents God bless Him.
The new bread of councillors are weak and immature and we allow them to speak for us and it’s unfortunate we vote in a wrong one the only way for the public to correct our mistake is vote them out we must we must find a better way to vet candidates to speak for us.
Look at this picture above? am I wrong to suggest this image of our public speakers does not impress anybody
I am aware dress code is now casual but I was always instructed first impressions show the the state of mind of a person and a smart dress image tells a great deal about a person it shows you respect your position and the people you speak for this picture tells me really we don’t care I am just here for the money take the photo so l can go home and this attitude is dragging the north down but you voted for them.
Which old baths are they referring to? Ashton has two, you know?
So you voted them ? In Starmer ,Angela Rayner, Andy Burnham ? Now look what you have done.
If you had a brain and in a position to make life and financial changes to a country the first rule you do not compromise your decisions by taking presents financial or any other temptations and if you are so weak in mind and caught with your hand in the cooky jar resign and apologise you are not fit to be our leader and why are fellow labour MP not posting there vote to rid us of this loose cannon by excepting his weak and misjudge decisions you are showing your voters you must drink from the same trough. GOD HELP US ALL