Looking back: Stamford Park Conservatory

THE image below was taken on June 29, 2019 as a group of concerned residents were joined by councillors in Stamford Park to show their opposition to the decision to demolish the conservatory.

Fast forward to May 30th, 2024. Demolition is underway and the structure, first built in 1907 and gifted by John Nield, is almost gone.

Campaigners gather outside John Nield Conservatory in Stamford Park

But after being closed for nine years, work to take it down is beginning after planning permission was granted in 2019.

A replacement garden is likely to be put in its place as, according to documents, some of the original ironwork will be used to create pergolas.

However, Tameside Council told The Correspondent it is ready to work with those who have campaigned since 2019 to save the conservatory at Stamford Park.

We look back in our archive at the images collated over the years

Front cover of the ‘ Stalybridge Correspondent’ in August 2019
A campaign was launched to Save the structure (taken June 2019)
Plans for the space were placed on the fence around the conservatory back in 2019
On July 3, 2019, a group of residents attended Tameside Council’s meeting of Full Council to present a petition against the demolition of the structure
On August 2m 2019 a campaign group held its first public meeting at West Hill School
A postcard of John Nield Conservatory in Stamford Park. image supplied


One Reply to “Looking back: Stamford Park Conservatory”

  1. I remember the greenhouse was threatened with demolition over 40 years ago and so I took a couple photographs of it in 1981. I suppose one should be grateful it lasted so long but as a former Ashtonian it makes me sad that this notable structure could not be allowed to survive.

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