TAMESIDE Council is holding its meeting of Full Council at Dukinfield Town Hall (Tuesday, May 21)
It is the first time all elected members have gathered since the local elections on May 2.
There are some new faces in the chamber: Cllr Chris Halligan (Hyde Werneth) and the Independent group represented by Cll Kaleel Khan (St Peters) and Cllr Steven Barton (Stalybridge North)
The executive cabinet for the next Council year will be formally announced. As reported by The Correspondent, there are few changes but Cllr Laura Boyle will replace outgoing Cllr Jan Jackson.
The Civic Mayor of Tameside, Cllr Tafheen Sharif is delivering her final speech. Her deputy, Cllr Betty Affleck will be appointed as the new Civic Mayor for this next Council year. Cllr Shibley Alam will be appointed as her deputy.
Read more here: https://www.tamesidecorrespondent.co.uk/2024/05/21/hyde-councillor-named-next-civic-mayor-of-tameside/
Tameside Council leader Cllr Gerald Cooney is addressing the chamber.
On the agenda this evening is the Tameside improvement plan in relation to Children’s Services.
Cllr Dickinson has criticised the escalating costs of work to repair Stalybridge Civic Hall.
Work is now underway with costs spiralling to £3 Million