Volunteers sought to help Tameside scouts flourish

KIND-HEARTED volunteers wanting to help young people gain skills and experiences are invited to become involved in scouting in Tameside.

There are many roles available including leaders and supporters, such as chairs, treasurers, secretaries and trustees, at groups across the borough.

These supporter roles help the scouts by managing administrative tasks, ranging from headquarters and equipment to insurance, rules and regulations and safety and safeguarding.

Leaders are hands-on to guide the young people through their life and experiences by gaining badges in scouting.

A chair works with other members on the trustee board, which manages rules, money, development, works as charity trustees, checks safety and safeguarding, and supports leaders. There is training available for this role.

Winners group: Darryl Houghton, the Civic Mayor of Tameside Cllr Mike Glover, Oliver, Oliver, Wyn Fish, Oscar, Skye and the Mayoress Anne Gordon

Treasurers take care of the money, including the production of balance sheets and accounts, while secretaries record what is happening, with training available for both roles.

And the ordinary trustees help to make the decisions of the trustee board to make scouting better for the young people in Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Networks.

To find out more or to get involved, contact Alan Fish by email alan.fish@ntscouts.org.uk or call 07931 765120.

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