Help spruce up Tameside’s green spaces

IF you are passionate about green spaces, there is an opportunity to get stuck in to help improve areas on your doorstep in Tameside.

Anyone looking to get outside, learn new skills or take part in practical conservation tasks has the chance to make a difference.

Volunteers are being sought to work closely with Greenspace Development Officers.

No experience is necessary and tools and equipment will be provided, as well as general support around how to use them or what to do.

Conservation days are held throughout the year on a range of sites throughout the borough, starting at 10.30am and finishing by 3pm.

Tasks could include hedge-laying, fencing repairs, gardening, clearing ponds, picking up litter, planting trees and more.

Anyone aged 11 or over can get involved, but 11 to 16 year olds must be supervised by a responsible adult.

To find out more, visit, email or call 07923 438 594.

One Reply to “Help spruce up Tameside’s green spaces”

  1. I would be interested in helping, I am interested in all aspects of conservation. And I think this idea is a fantastic way of bringing communities together of all ages.

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