PARKING your car at a Tameside Council car park may soon cost more if people want to pay by card.
And staying all day at a short stay facility is set to be four-and-a-half times more expensive.
The authority has suggested a new pricing scheme to bring in more income as expenditure and cost demands for improvements rise.
And it means two rates would be brought in, one for car parks which will have machines people can pay by card on – with work to install them at selected sites starting in September – and one for cash only payments.

That would mean it would cost less to park for one hour – £1.50 as opposed to £2 – but any longer would see the more traditional style win the cost comparison.
For according to a proposal to the council’s executive cabinet, £2 cash would apply up to three hours while card tariffs rise to £2.50 then £3.50.
The current £1 rate that applies between 6pm and 8am and on Sunday would remain but parking all day would raise from £2 to £9 on short stay car parks and to £4 at long stay.
It is also proposed to move areas at Castle Street in Stalybridge, Queen Street in Denton and Clarendon Street in Hyde alongside those in Ashton town centre.
The new rates would come into force from July 1 for cash only machines and when the upgrade of machines has been completed for card payments.
A report to the executive cabinet for its meeting on Wednesday, June 28 states: “The review of town centre rates is intended to create a ‘shoppers’ charter’ encouraging short stay use, providing a reasonable charge for 1-3 hours, ensuring customer turnover, increasing space availability for the most sought-after spaces and discouraging long stay use in the most convenient car parks for shops and businesses.
“Car parks provide a critical infrastructure for residents and businesses in the borough.
“They should be safe, well-maintained, easy to use, accessible and convenient to both facilities and transport links.
“A programme of improvements is currently underway to improve the service and effective business management of council owned car parks.
“The tariff scheme has been divided up into four tariffs. Short stay – previously inner-zone town centre car parks with upgraded contactless payment options.
“Long Stay – outer-zone car parks with upgraded contactless payment options. Short stay coin only – car parks with coin-only payment. Long stay coin only – Car parks with coin-only payment.
“The differential between new and coin only machines recognises that since Covid-19, many residents do not carry cash especially coins to the extent they used to.”
Contract parking, available only in long stay car parks, will double in price from £250 to £500 for a five-day pass and will rise from £28 to £600 for a seven-day permit.
And the report adds: “Short stay car parking should remain at a low cost, to encourage a quick turnaround of visitors.
“Council car parks are intended to encourage economic activity and availability of customer spaces convenient to town centre shops and businesses.
“The tariff scheme is intended to encourage a quick churn of spaces for visitors who want to shop locally. There is a significant price step between the three-hour parking rate to the all-day rate to achieve this change in behaviour.
“The price differential is intended to encourage commuters and business owners to use the outer zone car parks, which have a lower all-day tariff.
“In order to keep the short-stay car parks available for shoppers and visitors the contract passes will be solely available for long stay car parks.
“If paying on a daily basis, the estimated cost of paying £5 for three days a week, 46 weeks per year would be £690, for 5 days a week 46 weeks per year, the estimated cost is £1,150.
“The revised charge for a five-day annual contract pass will be £500 and for a seven-day pass this is priced at £600. The cost of these passes for businesses is tax deductible.”
The Council once again are hitting us with additional costs on top of the maximum increase in Coucil Tax.
Stalybridge has only decent car park near the town centre since they sold them off.
There are only 2 disabled parking spaces in the town shopping area and where you can park on double yellow lines they are normally blocked with Taxis who cannot be given ticket if the driver is in the car, they just get moved to other double yellows.
Rant over.
This scheme, if approved, will put businesses, livelihoods, jobs and whole town centres at risk…..many in Ashton face the prospect of an increase of £2 per day to a whopping £9 per day! There is not enough capacity on the ‘long stay ‘ car parks to accommodate. All of these people at the lower rate of £4 per day. The shortfall the Council is hoping to address will just get worse as people simply limit their visits, shorten their visits or simply don’t come in at all. Imagine having to add £9 on to the cost of having your hair and nails done…..sheer madness.
Well said x
Everyone needs to be charged for parking and that includes all councillors to include the leader of the council . Need to show equity for all .
You are penalising those who work daily in Hyde
The new charges are disgusting anyone with a small business are going to suffer for me to park now near work will cost me £45 a week that’s more like Manchester prices , this increase will also affect my customers they don’t need this overpriced cost and will eventually stop visiting Hyde so thanks tameside council for your lack of help in supporting local businesses
Parked this morning in Ashton (still on ‘old’ rates). £1 for up to three hours; 50p for half-an-hour – enough time to nip in and collect a prescription.
No mention in the new rates of this half-hour charge: is that being quietly dropped?
100% increase (£1 to £2) for a quick trip now – I don’t think so! That’s Ashton done for me. Now the market’s dying on its feet, and businesses are closing, there’s nothing to attract me any more.
I only go into Ashton Town center because I work there. I pay £11 -£12 a week at present. £9 a day from August means I will have to find another way in,Tram or Bus or Walking which means I will not be able to carry as much shopping home. This will be good for the shops near my home, but bad for the town center shop which are already putting the shutters up at an alarming rate. Your plans may just kill off those just hanging on.
Just seen the new charges an absolute disgrace
When we go into Hyde we shop then have lunch so longer than three hours , sometimes the Doctors too.
So we will not be paying £9 we will be lunching outside Hyde. So Hyde cafes will be missing out.
My husband is disabled and could not be swopping car parks. To pay on the Doctors car park then to pay again to move to a long stay. Whoever planned obviously does not need to pay for car parks maybe they have a pass or concessions !
Disgusting TMBC. We oay our council tax for what?
What about Stamford Street Ashton is that remaining the same.I doubt it
These price increases are outrageous.
We have a new business in ashton town centre, we set up near the old Cross street carpark for ease for ourselves, our customers traveling in from around the country and a business that relies on passing trade.
We work 7 days a week, for that week we will now be paying out £63 per employee!!!
We can not afford to pay this on top of rising rent costs and general bills for the shop.
We’re not the only business that will feel the massive effect this will have. People will simply avoid the town centres all together causing all businesses to permanently close their doors.
This simply shouldn’t go ahead!!
What about workers in the town center, I am a employee for JD Wetherspoon, I live 30min away and drive to work, I have to pay for all day. The parking near my place of work has gone to £9. If on morning / daytime shift I don’t mind parking in a further carpark , but when working late I won’t feel safe walking through the streets to go to a further parking at 1am/2am at night.
Is there a permit availible for workers? Monthly/ yearly?
Tameside council are an absolute disgrace. Imposing exorbitant parking charges on shoppers who patronise local small businesses will make them visit retail parks where they park without charge and so the towns will see even more shops close and local people out of work. I thought there were plans to try to regenerate the towns, if these ridiculous charges continue there less people visiting the towns to see the benefits. Why is it that the council always ignore residents and business owners concerns. People should remember this when voting at local elections and give their support to candidates that will listen to concerns and support local traders