Denton primary school’s readers are the best in the north west

PUPILS from a Haughton Green primary school are officially well read after coming out on top in a north west challenge.

A team from St John Fisher, on Manor Road, defeated all others of a similar age in a heat of the National Reading Quiz.

And the quartet’s feat – scoring more than any other primary school in the region – has left staff beaming with pride.

Pupils celebrating their success

After being invited by St Thomas More RC College, which St John Fisher feeds into, children headed to The Birkenhead School, Wirral, for the competition for children aged 10-14.

Students worked in teams of four, answering 75 questions about children’s literature over approximately two-and-a half-hours.

And the team of two year five and two year six pupils certainly showed their love of books by scoring the highest of the primary schools taking part.

Headteacher Mandy Harris said: “We are very proud of the children who took part in the National Reading Quiz, they represented us brilliantly.

“At St John Fisher Primary school we love reading every day but we embraced World Book Day with various activities including The Masked Reader on our Facebook page and a parade showing children dressed as their favourite character on World Book Day.

“There were ’Story Time’ sessions, where children went to various locations across school to hear a member of staff read a story of their choice, a book sale for St Joseph’s Penny and, of course, the children who took part in the Reading Quiz.

“At St John Fisher we understand reading is hugely important in determining a child’s future outcomes and we want all our children to have the best possible chances in life by giving them a love of reading all the way through primary school and beyond.”