Sessions to help people get through coming weeks

A HOUSING association is helping people get support by organising a number of events to bring services together.

Onward is using the Hattersley Hub for the sessions, which will also include the council and other partner organisations including Energyworks, Citizens Advice, MIND and PCRefurb.

The free to attend Winter Warmer and Spring Support sessions on Thursday afternoons from 12.30pm until 3pm will see various topics covered.

After February 16 saw people able to get advice at the Stockport Road centre on how to save money on household expenses and raise any housing issues, February 23 will see advisors on hand to discuss budgeting and safer lending options.

The Hub Hattersley

March 9 is about wellbeing support and access to local services, enabling people to get help with issues like digital needs and find out what support is available.

Another financial advice and budgeting support session takes place on March 23.

The events follow on from similar sessions held at the Hattersley Hub over last December and January, which were attended by more than 50 residents.

Andrew Lord, head of neighbourhood services for Onward said: “The series of events being organised by our social investment team will give local residents the opportunity to learn more about the type of advice and support available and make useful contacts they can turn to when help is needed.

“Whether you just want to meet up or are looking for information on what help is available for you, everyone will find a warm welcome.

“So, if you are able to, please do come along to one of the events. If you are unable to make it, then head to Onward’s website where there is lots of information and various links to organisations which can offer help.”

Tameside Council’s executive member for population health and wellbeing, Cllr Eleanor Wills added:

‘’Onward’s initiative to host a series of Winter Warmer and Spring Support events allows Hattersley residents to easily access vital support and information on finances, housing, health and wellbeing and even more.

“Providing this information face-to-face breaks down barriers and makes it accessible for those who struggle to get online. It also provides a gateway for those who can get online but would rather receive face-to-face support.

“Please make sure you do attend if you need help and support from any of the services present at Onward’s events.’’

More information about how Onward and their partners can help support residents can be found via their Help Hub at