TAMESIDE Council has moved to make sure it cannot be accused of being biased over its handling of planning applications surrounding Godley Green Garden Village.
Noises coming out of the authority suggest the 2,150-home development may be scaled back slightly.
But it has moved already to make sure it will be regarded just like any other planning application – judged by its Speakers Panel (Planning) committee.
A report to Tameside Council’s strategic planning and capital monitoring panel, ‘makes a recommendation to invite council to refer the matter for determination by Speakers Panel Planning to avoid allegations of bias or predetermination as the application is being promoted by the Council and Strategic Planning and Capital Monitoring Panel has a number of members who are part of the executive cabinet.’
That will now go to the next meeting of the full council as ‘the council is promoting the application and it would be preferable to have a separation of roles to avoid either an appearance or challenge of bias and/or predetermination.’
Godley Green Garden Village has been the focus of much conjecture over recent months, with opponents fiercely believing it should not be built on green belt land.
Recent executive decisions point to purchasing some of the land.
In their reasoning, it states: “To assist with land assembly, to enable the Godley Green Garden Village to be developed, subject to planning permission being received, and subject to any associated conditions.
“The option obliges the grantor to sell to the option owner, on the terms contained in the option agreement, which in turn facilitates the development subject to a viable planning permission being received (which cannot be guaranteed).”
The consequences of the alternative, not to enter into the ‘option to acquire,’ were also spelled out.
The decisions added: “In this event, the landowner would not be bound to sell to the option holder and the delivery of the Garden Village could be delayed or frustrated.
“In addition, this would reduce the prospect of the council recouping some monies spent thus far, which are, pro rata, a deductible expense from the sum payable under the option agreement.
“External advisors have confirmed that the terms represent the best deal achievable and gives a sufficient timescale to implement the scheme on the grantor’s land, having regard to likely timescales for other permissions to be obtained.
“In addition, external advisors confirm that not agreeing to the revised terms would be detrimental to the scheme by reducing land availability as the council would not have the option to acquire the grantor’s land, thereby reducing developable acreage.”
It is hoped Godley Green Garden Village will be built over a 15-year period.
Oh! the finer points of greenbelt land grab.
Councils grouping up ownership of small holdings into developer desirable lumps.
Small holders losing out.
Council financial gains.
Planning decision moved away from the public eye.
Whilst they propose imposing charges to make the air we have to breath cleaner, they plot to facilitate the destruction of life giving greenbelt and replace with fossil fuel consuming / emissions housing plans.
Who will now be accountable in this revision to the people or is it going to result in a tangled web of a blame game?