Gee Cross church on the market

A HYDE church is up for sale and could be developed into residential accommodation.

The Correspondent has learned offers over £275,000 are expected from people interested in Gee Cross Methodist, on Stockport Road.

So far, two viewing slots have allowed prospective buyers to look around the structure, which has an area of more than 6,000 square feet.

The church on Stockport Road is up for sale. Photo by Gary Carter

And according to agents Roberts and Roberts, permission can be sought to changed it use.

In sale documents, it says: “The property has established use in what is now a class F1, which covers schools, non-residential institutions, training centres, libraries, halls and places of worship.

“Any other use for the building would require planning consent from Tameside Council.“The site may be suitable for complete residential redevelopment subject to planning consent.”

The building, being sold by the Methodist Church, is officially being sold by way of informal tender.

However it is stated: “Bids will be accepted, both for the property as it stands with the current planning, with a change of use of the existing building, or for redevelopment of the entire site, and bids should make it clear on which basis any bid has been made.

“The church do not guarantee they will accept a higher bid if it is subject to planning consent. Acceptance of all bids will be subject to the authority of the Methodist Property Board.

Gee Cross Methodist Church was founded in 1882 and stands on land which was once part of Ralph Fold.

Originally, Stockport Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, when the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Joel Lane closed in 1969, the two congregations merged as Gee Cross Methodists Church.

It is also home to a plaque remembering the late Private Norman Stafford of the 7th Welsh Fusiliers, who died at Port Said on October 25, 1919.

Any application to change the use of the building will be judged by Tameside Council’s Speakers Panel (Planning) committee.