Former library set for housing scheme?

THE SITE of a former Ashton library will be converted into four semi-detached homes if planning permission is granted.

Audenshaw-based Akmal Mahmood of Your New Home Ltd hopes to put the quartet of three bedroomed properties where Waterloo Library once stood on Taunton Road.

And as the area has stood vacant since the facility was demolished in 2005, hopes are high it can win the approval of Tameside Council’s Speaker’s Panel (Planning) committee.

The site of the former library in Waterloo

Documents for the proposal state: “It is clear the site can be delivered in a sustainable way, it is a sustainable location for housing, especially given the type of housing proposed

“The proposal provides efficient use of previously developed land and will provide much needed family housing at an appropriate density at a sustainable location.

“We respectfully request that the Council make a favourable decision.”

The applicants have already had noise assessments done on the area and they concluded: “Any solid garden fence will be sufficient to provide the necessary attenuation required to bring the noise level in the proposed garden down to ‘desirable’ criteria.”

Tameside Council’s highways department also believe the development should get the go ahead with a £6,000 section 106 agreement to pay for improvements to pedestrian crossings and white lining on Taunton Road.

They also believe conditions should be attached, including two car parking spaces to serve each dwelling and that building cannot start until details of wheel cleaning facilities, dust suppression, temporary access, vehicle parking, construction delivery times and turning facilities while work is going on are agreed.

A street lighting scheme and cycle storage facilities must also be approved, along with a clear view shall be provided from the driveway where it meets the footway on Taunton Road.

In a report, they state: “The LHA would recommend approval for the application, subject to the conditions.

“The information and proposed plans supplied for the development would not have an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or that the residual cumulative impact on the road network would be severe.”

One Reply to “Former library set for housing scheme?”

  1. Absolutely useless company, built some houses in Droylsden and the drain were botched as well as many other problems, do not trust or buy houses from this company they are cowboy builders and do not know what they are doing, be warned!

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