STALYBRIDGE has a new look after its Town Team was awarded £1,000 to refurbish and replenish planters and beds.
Volunteers got their gloves on and trowels out on the morning of Saturday, June 18 to get to work on the installations around Armentieres Square.
And the new flora, plus compost, was made possible by the handout secured from the Tameside Community Recovery Fund.
Members of Stalybridge Town Team made a presentation of what the money would go towards at the fund’s event focused on the east of the borough.
And good use was made of the cash as a group overhauled the planters around the square, plus three beds which lie close to the Town Team’s hub at Tesco supermarket.
Early feedback has been positive but volunteers – which include local councillors as well as members of the public – will not stop working to make Stalybridge better, with its latest litter pick taking place on Saturday, June 25.