Nursery deemed inadequate by inspectors

A STALYBRIDGE nursery has been told it must improve quickly after inspectors found children’s safety is compromised and it is dirty.

Toddlers were seen running around Welcome Nurseries carrying sharpened pencils, while some bit chunks from a foam loaf of bread and spat them on the floor.

A washing machine hiding behind piles of laundry, dirty cleaning cloths and childcare areas, bathrooms and floors were also highlighted by Ofsted.

The report also highlighted other hygiene failings at the facility, based at Ridge Hill Children’s Centre.

It states: “Staff do not provide engaging and worthwhile activities for this group of children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Welcome nurseries in Stalybridge

“Pre-school children devise their own energetic games and this puts younger children at risk.

Older toddlers are left to wander and some cry because they want to return to the baby area.

“Children’s safety is compromised because staff do not recognise and minimise risks. Younger toddlers play unsupervised with sharpened pencil crayons.

“Staff do not discourage the toddlers from carrying the crayons, pointing upwards, in their hands. The toddlers run and fall and are at risk of injury.

“Pre-school children eat apples from the role-play area as they run about. This poses a risk of choking. The apples are not clean because they have been played with. This poses a risk of illness.

“Pre-school children often test out staff’s boundaries for their behaviour. For example, they bite several pieces of foam from a loaf of bread intended for role play.

“They chew the foam and spit it onto the floor. Staff do not attempt to address this with them and children’s behaviour deteriorates further.

“The boisterous behaviour of older children means that younger children in the room are at risk of injury.”

The maintenance of the nursery is also questioned, with staff taking items home with them for washing.

The report, compiled after Susan King’s inspection was made because of a ‘risk assessment, following information we received about the provider,’ adds: “The washing machine works, but is concealed behind piles of laundry that have become unmanageable.

“Staff take bed sheets and other items home to wash them. Cleaning cloths are left dirty. Managers do not organise or monitor cleaning routines well enough.

“The childcare areas, including bathrooms, are dirty. Scattered toys are not picked up from the floor. Toys, sand and other items gather next to and under furniture.

“Children eat crisped rice that is put out to be played with. They lick play dough and put it back on the table. Staff do not notice or take effective steps to prevent this.”

Welcome Nurseries, which looks after 52 children and has space for 85, did score well in some areas.

The report continues: “Staff caring for the youngest children make sure that children’s care needs are met.

“Babies have time and opportunity to feed themselves and this helps to promote their independence.

“Staff give cuddles and comfort to children as they prepare for sleep. This helps to make them feel secure.

“The provider ensures that managers and staff complete safeguarding training and refresh their knowledge regularly.”