TAMESIDE decides as its citizens go to the polls in this year’s local elections on Thursday, May 5.
Or as has been the case in the last few years, Tameside’s local elections take place on Thursday, May 5 with far too few people actually voting.
National politics have been dominated by talk of ‘Is Boris trustworthy enough?’ and ‘Are Labour good enough?’
But do not get the two confused. With all due respect, Boris is hardly likely to be able to pinpoint The Hague estate, Poet’s Corner or Godley Green, is he?

This is about how your bins are managed, how sports facilities in your area are run, and how the council spends the money it gets from central Government.
Issues rage and there are key areas that are being targeted by opposition parties. Hyde Godley being top of the list.
The outcry against plans to build 2,150 homes on Godley Green, plus comments from leader Cllr Brenda Warrington, have dominated the build-up.
But the Audenshaw, Stalybridge North, Dukinfield/Stalybridge and Ashton Hurst wards may also prove close-run affairs.
However, for all the people asking for your vote, it is up to you to actually go and put a cross on a ballot slip.
Whingeing on Facebook groups – however justified you feel that is – will not do anything. An actual vote will.
The Correspondent has asked candidates in several of the wards to profile themselves, so you know who you are backing when it comes to casting your vote.