Christmas Waste and Recycling Collections

TAMESIDE bin crews will continue to work hard over the festive season but collection days will change for some households.

There will be no brown bin collections at all across the borough from Monday, December 27, 2021, until Friday, January 7, 2022.

Also, anyone due a collection on the bank holidays – Monday, December 27, Tuesday, December 28, or Monday, January 3 – should check the list below for their new date. All other collections should run as normal.

If you live in an area where a trial of three-weekly collections is taking place, please refer to the letter you will have received.

Monday, December 27

If you are due a green (general waste) bin collection, it will be collected on Wednesday, December 29. If you are due a black (recycling) or a blue (paper) bin collection, it will be collected on Friday, December 31.

Tuesday, December 28

If you are due a green bin collection, it will be collected on Thursday, December 30. If you are due a black or a blue bin collection, it will be collected on Tuesday, January 4.

Wednesday, December 29, to Friday, December 31 – normal collections excluding brown bins.

Monday, January 3

If you are due a black bin collection, it will be collected on Wednesday, January 5. If you are due a green bin collection, it will be collected on Thursday, January 6. If you are due a blue bin collection, it will be collected on Friday, January 7.

Real Christmas trees can be left out with your brown bin for recycling from Monday, January 10. The council will collect any additional recyclable waste which is left out with your black or blue recycling bins in a clear or labelled bag.

If you don’t already have the council bin app, download it for updates and alerts for your Christmas waste and recycling collection arrangements.

For further information visit