A FRIENDS’ group has been formed to help enhance Denton’s Victoria Park.
The Friends of Victoria Park officially launches on August 1, having had an awareness launch on July 15.

Building on the success of Denton Park Social Bowling Club, which rose from the ashes after an arson attack destroyed its clubhouse in 2018, the Friends will work in partnership with other community groups and residents to enjoy Victoria Park which opened in 1913 and had Green Flag status between 1999-2014.
Tony Moran, chair of the Friends group, said: “What became very clear was the need to reach out to our friends in Victoria Park, so a decision was made to form a constituted group to look at ways to bring the park back to blossom with a sense of pride to the heart of the community.
“We are now in the process of forming the volunteer group and thank those who have already stepped up.

“Denton North East councillors have pledged their support in championing the cause, a thank you to the Denton Community College student ambassadors, The Create Centre in Denton, Action Together and Tameside’s Green Space whose join us on our mission.
“As a community, we are all custodians of the park which now more than ever plays an important role on the road to recovery from the past 16 months of Covid isolation compliance guidelines.
“That’s why this gem of open space cannot be left neglected. Every member of the Denton community can use the park for exercise, social events, family gatherings, community group activities and quiet moment to reflect read, enjoying the outdoor space we all need.
“To date, the response has been very encouraging which leaves us now to crack on with the job in hand working in partnership with other groups and local volunteers making Denton’s Victoria Park a better place we all can be proud of.”
The group can be contacted via their website www.Victoriaparkfriends.co.uk or on Facebook or email hello@victoriaparkfriends.co.uk
• It is understood there was once a group called Friends of Victoria which has long been disbanded and which the current group cannot find any reference to.