Gorse Hall Primary children shoot ‘Clean Air Day’ awareness video

CHILDREN at Gorse Hall Primary, Stalybridge, became film makers among other activities to mark Clean Air Day.

The school’s eco committee was busy organising the awareness video for the national day of events on Thursday, June 17.

“The children really enjoyed making it and I think they got the message across well,” explained teacher Kathleen Hughes.

Gorse Hall Clean Air Day

Other activities done across the whole school included creating a Clean Air Day poster with a focus on moorland fires, superhero design competition, pledges, vehicle audit outside school, lichen hunt audit, no idling zone outside school poster competition and air pollution marshalls patrolling outside school in the morning.

Then on the day itself, the children engaged in a variety of activities throughout school ranging from eco patrollers handing out penalty notices and leaflets to drivers, to vehicle surveys and making ‘Young Lung Promises’.

• You can view the video online:https://youtu.be/L8sGeqV5gcg