Living Well and Ageing Well Clinic for 65s and over

RESIDENTS living in Stalybridge, Dukinfield and Mossley aged 65 and over are invited to attend a Living Well, Ageing Well Clinic.


The clinic will be held on Wednesday 28 July 2021, 11am – 2pm at the George Lawton Hall, Stamford Street, Mossley, OL5 0HR.  It is a free event with lunch provided and no appointment is needed to attend. 


Invitations have been sent to eligible patients registered at the Staveleigh Medical Centre, St Andrew House Medical Centre, Lockside Medical Centre, Grosvenor Medical Centre,

Millbrook Medical Centre, Mossley Medical Practice, The Pike Practice, King Street Medical Centre and Town Hall Medical Centre.


active tamesideThe event is being organised by the Stalybridge, Dukinfield and Mossley Primary Care Network (PCN) and further information can be obtained by phoning 0161 342 5300.  


Older people can be at risk of social exclusion and this event is an opportunity for people to learn more about how to become inclusive in their community and neighbourhood.


Fair like stalls will be set up and demonstrations given by services, such as Action Together and Mind, to help people with their mental wellbeing, finances, living well and more independently, becoming more active, healthier and being socially connected.  Services commissioned and funded specifically by the PCN including on the day health-checks will be offered.  The Mayor of Tameside, Councillor Janet Cooper is also expected to attend the event at midday.


There are five PCNs in Tameside and Glossop, these are divided into neighbourhoods – Ashton, Denton, Glossop, Hyde and Stalybridge.  They are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan, with general practices working together, being a part of a network with other healthcare staff and organisations providing integrated services to the local population.


Dr Asad Ali, co-chair at NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Without social inclusion older people are more likely to experience poor health, including poor mental health, loneliness and isolation.


“We want people to grasp opportunities to be active, breaking down barriers they might be facing in their everyday lives, and encourage them to participate in activities of their choosing.”


Martin Turner, PCN Manager at Stalybridge, Dukinfield and Mossley, said: “We want people to feel excited about being part of a community group. This event will give them the opportunity to make new and varied relationships.  We also want people to feel in control of their lives, to empower them to reduce loneliness for themselves and others.”