AN application to convert the former Cleopatra’s hairdressers in Haughton Green (95 Haughton Green Rd) has been refused by Tameside Council on the following grounds:
“The proposal would result in the loss of a Use Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) retail unit with Haughton Green Village which is designated as a Local Shopping Centre and Parade (LSCP) on the Tameside Unitary Development Plan Proposals Map.
The applicant has failed to demonstrate that continued retail use of the site is no longer viable and the proposal has the potential to undermine and weaken the retail function of the existing LSCP.
As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy S5 of the Tameside UDP and paragraph 92 of the NPPF which seeks to ensure that established shops, facilities and services are able to develop and modernise, and are retained for the benefit of the community.”
Speaking on behalf of the Denton South Councillors, Cllr Claire Reid said: “The Denton South Councillors campaigned against this application and are delighted the right decision has been made. Denton is bouncing back and more and more businesses are opening up and our retail space must be protected.
Claire added: “we also raised major concerns with the Council that turning this shop in to a 6-bed HMO could cause serious parking issues along Haughton Green Road and we are over the moon common sense has prevailed.”