Who gets your vote? – Candidates in Dukinfield/Stalybridge ward

WHO will get your vote when Tameside goes to the polls on Thursday, May 6?

Residents who are registered to vote can have their say in the local borough elections and also the Greater Manchester Mayoral Elections.

For the local borough elections, one new councillor per ward will be elected from nominated candidates to represent the area on Tameside Council. Residents can have their say for the ward in which they live.

There are different ways to vote in the elections: at your local polling station, by post or by proxy (appointing someone to vote on your behalf).

You will receive a poll card telling you where to vote if you wish to vote in person at your local polling station on May 6.

Significant efforts have been made to ensure that all polling stations are Covid safe. Voters and staff will be required to wear a face covering (unless they are exempt), observe social distancing and use hand sanitiser which will be made available. Voters can bring their own pen or pencil should they wish to do so.

If you registered for a postal vote, you will receive a voting pack in the post including instructions on how to vote. Make sure you send it back so that it arrives by 10pm on election day.

The counts for local elections will commence at 11am on Friday, May 7 at Plantation Industrial Estate, Whitelands Road, Ashton-under-Lyne and is expected to be completed by 4pm. Admittance is strictly by ticket only.

To find out more go online: www.tameside.gov.uk/elections/ or call 0161 342 8355.

Here are the candidates standing in Dukinfield/Stalybridge ward:

Dawn Anthony, Green Party

Dawn Anthony, Green Party

I AM a mother of three grown children and a grandmother of two. Volunteering has been a large part of my life both for local and global organisations.

I am proud to stand as your Green Party candidate following our win in Ashton in 2019. We also beat the Conservatives in a third of wards we contested, proving how electable we are. 

As our knowledge of the issues that devastate our planet grows – like plastics, food waste, pollution, over-fishing and deforestation – the feeling of hopelessness can be overwhelming. We may ask ourselves what difference we can possibly make?

However, small changes we do each day locally really can make a difference globally. Using systems effectively that are already in place like our recycling bins and increasing our sustainability by encouraging buying in season produce, creating less food waste and shopping locally.

However, we need more Greens elected to force action on big business too.

If you want green, vote Green.  

Leanne Feeley, Labour Party

Leanne Feeley, Labour Party

I HAVE represented Dukinfield and Stalybridge for the past five years and lived in Stalybridge more than 30 years. 

I am standing because I care about how we shape the future. Despite the on-going challenges, I believe we have to listen carefully to residents developing our local community and services. 

In my professional work of more than 30 years, I have had the privilege of serving the public in various roles, teacher, community development and arts worker.

I have worked with many local groups and committees and particularly proud of these achievements including:

• The first special education needs sixth form in Tameside at Cromwell School

• Delivering high quality arts, including the Royal Exchange Theatre and the Stalybridge Lantern Parade

• Holiday activity and food funding

My commitment if elected:

• Support our schools through the many challenges ahead

• Investment into arts including Story Makers, expanded digital offer and a modern libraries service

• Investment in our local parks with cleaner greener streets

I will continue to bring my values of fairness, positivity, compassion and enterprise to the role of councillor.

Kurt McPartland, Conservative Party

Kurt McPartland, Conservative Party

AS a lad from Copley, I have lived in Stalybridge all my life. I grew up in a three-bed council-house with seven other family members. I now live with my fiancée and we are expecting our first child later this year. 

When I could vote, I backed Labour because like many people in Tameside you think just because your parents may have voted Labour, you should too out of blind loyalty. But where has it got us?

Labour have been running the council for over 40 years now and what do we have to show for it? We are one of the poorest boroughs in the country with high levels of poverty, poor health and education.

We are in desperate need of change. If you vote for me in May, I promise I will fight for investment in our town centres by bringing back Stalybridge Market Hall as a food hall.

I’ll support our businesses and those wanting to create jobs in the area. And I’ll campaign to get more CCTV to tackle fly-tipping, graffiti and anti-social behaviour.