A PROPOSED office block would provide a boost to an area of Denton, it has been claimed.
Belfast-based DMC Carpentry and Construction Ltd wants to build a two-storey facility on land close to The Winnows.
A previous attempt to build there was turned down by Tameside Council last year but the company, backed by Declan Carlin, has resubmitted an application.
As well as the block, it would provide associated landscaping and a two-and-a-half metre high acoustic fence to reduce the noise to nearby properties.
There would also 16 car parking spaces, two disabled spaces and 32 secure cycle parking spaces.
And a report done for the applicant states it, ‘offers considerable economic, environmental and social benefits’.
It adds: “The scheme is currently a character and amenity issue in the area and for surrounding residents and other uses.
“The proposed development will bring about the development of a quality designed office scheme on a site which had previously been approved for office use and within an area which benefits from surrounding employment uses.
“The proposals will make remove a current residential amenity nuisance, the proposed development will make the best and most effective and efficient use of a former landfill site, the proposals will bring about economic development to the local area.
“A detailed and high-quality landscaping scheme has been proposed resulting in further character benefits as well as ecological and biodiversity enhancements.”
Tameside Council previously rejected a scheme there because it decided it would be, ‘detrimental to the street scene and out of keeping with the established character and appearance of the surrounding area’.
It also said it would, ‘result in an undue loss of amenity to occupiers of surrounding residential properties.
‘In particular the building, due to its size, scale and siting in close proximity to 71 Windmill Lane would result in visual intrusion, poor outlook and an overbearing impact for the occupiers thereof.
‘The proposed car park would introduce noise and disturbance to the rear of existing residential properties at 1 – 4 The Winnows which would be unacceptable and detrimental to their existing levels of amenity.’
Tameside Council’s speakers’ panel (planning) committee will decide whether to grant or refuse planning permission.
However, a report adds: “It is clear there are no sequentially preferable sites within or on the edge of Denton town centre which are available or suitable for a development broadly similar to that proposed at The Winnows.”