ALL four of Tameside’s Rotary clubs have been forced to cancel their traditional Santa’s sleigh visits to local neighbourhoods due to lockdown restrictions.
The four clubs – Tameside; Stalybridge and Dukinfield; Hyde; Denton and Audenshaw – have issued the following statement.
It read: “We very much regret that, owing to the pandemic and very strict regulations on social distancing, the Father Christmas Floats of Denton and Audenshaw, Dukinfield and Stalybridge, Hyde and Tameside will not be touring the streets or visiting the supermarkets of Tameside this year.
“Father Christmas is very unhappy about this situation and he hopes that things will be back to normal next year. In the meantime, he and all his helpers are working very hard to make toys and presents to deliver on Christmas Day for children all over the world.
“People all over the country will know that the monies given to Rotary at Christmas time finances all the local and international projects that Rotary donates to.
“By not being able to collect personally, the local clubs are hopeful that donations will still be made through websites such as JustGiving. Watch out for news on the individual clubs facebook/social media sites and websites.”
cant believe this been a volunteer for over twenty years helping with Aston Rotary now Tameside Rotary seen how young and old enjoy this event makes me so sad and the money raised goes to such a good cause people are missing out
It will come back next year. We will be stronger than ever. Let’s all make an effort more so next year when we can be more neighbourly, more sociable and stop being so reliant on social media as our so called social life…. Get back to neighbours, know who they are, the old, the young, the families, the ones that live alone (doesn’t meant that they are lonely) but not forgetting those that are, without making them feel that way…. Humanity.
One of my family’s favourite traditions. I shall really miss it! 😢
Sad about santa sleigh this about autism