PLAYGROUNDS across Tameside are to be improved to help youngsters stay active and healthy.
Tameside Council is investing £600,000 over the next two years to improve play areas in the borough to ensure they’re good quality and safe facilities for children to enjoy.
As well as replacing some equipment and safety surfacing, the work will include painting railings, new bins and benches, and footpath repairs.
The aim is to enhance the attractiveness of the borough and increase opportunities for children and their families to live healthy lives.
Council officers have assessed each playground, and the funding will be spent on those that need it most. The priorities are based on health and safety, so some play areas will receive more changes than others.
Tameside Council’s executive member for neighbourhood services, Cllr Allison Gwynne, said: “As we get used to life under tier 3 regulations, our playgrounds are more important than ever. They are the ideal place for families to improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing by spending some time outdoors and being active.
“Our play areas are free and open every day, and we’re refurbishing them because we want people to make full use of them. All we ask is that they do so responsibly by making sure they follow government guidance on social distancing and face coverings.”
Tameside Council is liaising with contractors to ensure the work is carried out quickly and closures are as brief as possible. Playgrounds are regularly inspected and there is a maintenance budget available for repairs.