Free Healthy Heart checks to tackle heart disease in workplaces

WORKPLACES across Tameside are being offered free Healthy Heart checks to tackle the number of people suffering from heart attacks and strokes. 

Research shows that around one in three people who have a heart attack and one in four who have strokes are people of working age.

Tameside Council has secured government funding to deliver a pilot to help detect the early signs of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the local workforce.

Karen from the Be Well Tameside team with a client having a Healthy Heart Check

Be Well Tameside is offering free Healthy Heart Checks in workplaces until March 31, 2025 and workplaces are being encouraged to get in touch to arrange free checks for their staff.

The Healthy Heart Check is a free check-up of a person’s overall heart health delivered by trained Be Well Tameside staff.

It is available for workers aged 25 and over who have no long-term conditions connected to their heart.

The check takes around 20 to 30 minutes and results are given and discussed at the appointment. Tests include blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, and risk score for CVD.

Cllr Tafheen Sharif, Tameside Council Executive Member for Population Health and Wellbeing, said: “These Healthy Heart Checks are a great chance for not only employers, as it supports them in looking after the health and wellbeing of their employees, but also for residents who work in Tameside.

“This is a brilliant opportunity to have a free and quick check over which supports the health of our residents who are at the heart of everything we do in the borough.

“By spotting the signs of cardiovascular disease early, we can encourage those to make the positive lifestyle changes and take preventative steps to ensure residents lead healthier and more active lives.”

Workplaces that are interested can get in touch for more details by emailing or calling 0161 342 5050.

For more information about Be Well Tameside visit