Long-serving Tameside councillor applies for deputy leader role

A SECOND Tameside councillor who was sacked from its executive cabinet – before being reinstated – has put himself forward for a leadership role.

John Taylor was initially dismissed from his role overseeing adult social care and inclusivity.

But within a week, he could go from getting his position back to becoming the authority’s deputy leader after applying.

The national Labour Party’s campaign improvement board will conduct interviews for key positions in the coming days.

Cllr John Taylor has applied for the position of Deputy Leader

As The Correspondent revealed, Cllr Eleanor Wills has put herself forward to replace Cllr Gerald Cooney as leader.

Now Cllr Taylor, who represents Dukinfield, has revealed he wants to be second in command – a position he held under Cllr Kieran Quinn.

He said: “I have done the job before and I have been deputy leader before under Cllr Quinn and we were very successful taking the council through difficult times, including austerity.

“We were a very good group with campaigning and winning elections, in Tameside and across the North West.

“I have been the executive member of a department that is performing very well and has done for years. In a recent inspection we were classed as five stars, which was the best in the country.

“I have done various roles. I was formerly chair of social services, housing, licensing and environment, so I have a lot of experience.

“I would like the opportunity to assist a new leader to take the council forward and remove the stigma of people being bullied.

“We want people to feel happy to come and work for Tameside.”

*IT HAS now been revealed Tameside’s full council has been called to an extraordinary meeting on Thursday, October 24.


8 Replies to “Long-serving Tameside councillor applies for deputy leader role”

  1. If councillors Wills and Taylor are the best that can be put forward there,s no hope for the rest of us one thing that people of Tameside need to remember these 2 have been sacked from council positions in the past .

  2. You’ve got a bloody cheek councillor wag, you’ve been sacked, now roll over and play dead. Bloody insult to people in tameside to have to put up with second best, and incompetent surfs.

  3. Frightening that Mr Taylor believes he should even be considered .Please think of the children and choose somebody that has a chance of making a lasting difference, not a person who appears to be driven by money and vanity.

  4. Here we go again Tameside can’t be relied on, never learn from offering inexperienced novice joe blog councillors a position they should not even be considered for. Gerald Cooney for instance the inspectors result for his last position was shocking. but still he is allowed to keep a position in pensions what qualifications or experience does he hold get in this field. get your act together Tameside council no qualifications no experience make this your moto do not apply for the position end of story.

  5. Let’s not forget that the commissioner reviewed childrens services ages after Ofsted and when new leaders had their feet firmly under the table. He still found the service to be toxic. So, the council then reward one leader with a permanent post.

  6. The arrogance of what pass for councillors in this town is beyond belief. I still remember with horror sitting next to a Labour alderman from one of the families who, when a chief officer was called to advise the meeting, leaned over and whispered – “Lets see what this lying fxxker has to say” I could have been from the press or anywhere but the indiscrete fool didn’t care.

    Then there was the time a councillor’s moll took my wife to one side and commented “you need to look after the right people to get planning consent here” when we were involved in an application. This clown was told that we win our arguments on merit – not brown envelopes! And we did!

    These are simple honest examples from my own lived experience and Tameside has not got any better since!

    Taylor is an arrogant old fool with an overblown sense of his own importance like many more – present or currently voted off individuals, and should be shipped out at the first opportunity. How do they manage to fool the electorate year after year!

    1. They manage to fool the electorate year after year because the electorate are pathetic. Over the years the amount of people voting has dropped and dropped to such an extent that 12% is a good turnout, this is what the councillors are banking on. If we had a better turnout then it may be possible that a lot of councillors would not be re-elected.

  7. Great this is a really great reaction of comments Tameside residents need to voice there opinions more we need to let council officers no we are aware of there poor management of elected officers and these comments should be forwarded to the appropriate office this lazy make do attitude that as been allowed to progress for years it want change unless the we make the powers that be pressured by more and more of or negative comments regarding there lack of professionalism and control regarding staff and councillors we pay there wages they are answerable to us they need to look in the mirror and ask them selves the question what am I doing wrong.

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