Choose to Lose health worries

PEOPLE living, working or registered with a GP in Tameside can shed lockdown and Christmas pounds after the introduction of a new health scheme.

And as organiser Rachel Kelly insists: “This isn’t just to look good in a bikini.”

Choose to Lose has been formulated to boost the health of people in the area after the waistlines of many in the area expanded during the Covid-19 pandemic – with a bit more to come over Christmas.

Organised by Be Well Tameside, in conjunction with Active Tameside, this is more than just an exercise routine.

It looks at more general lifestyle choices and aims to change the routines of those who sign up for free.

“We were given a pot of money to devise a new weight management program with Active Tameside which focuses solely on that issue,” said Rachel.

“We’re going in with the Better Health Campaign and the NHS’ 12-week weight loss plan, giving people support to lose weight but making it a little different from what we usually do.”

The program starts with a free initial health check then one-to-one professional support, access to free weigh ins around the borough, access to physical activity sessions and access to educational workshops – done virtually at first and made available on YouTube but the hope is to make them in person.

Programs can be tailored to individuals depending on their needs, with the aim of reducing the chances of getting type two diabetes or cardio-vascular disease.

Rachel added: “Be Well Tameside is an early intervention and prevention service, so we provide lifestyle support to make people healthier.

“It can be things like physical activity, stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake, weight management.

“We look at lifestyles as a whole as you can’t lose weight or stop smoking if you have other things going on too.

“However since Covid-19 started, weight management has become a real issue. The majority of people I speak to say they’ve piled weight on during lockdowns.

“People have taken to drinking more or comfort eating. It’s become a problem.

“This is a really robust plan. It isn’t just about looking good in a bikini. This is about your health and avoiding long-term conditions.”

Anyone looking to sign up to Choose to Lose can refer themselves in by calling 0161 716 2000 or emailing