WE work hard to care for our families – but how can we care when we are no longer with them?
One answer is to make a will and if, like so many, you have been putting this off, take advantage of the Willow Wood Wills Month in November when a number of local solicitors will not be charging a fee for a simple will, asking instead for a donation to the hospice.
For a simple single will, there is a suggested donation of £80 or £160 for a pair of mirror wills. If your needs are more complex there may be an additional charge which the solicitor will discuss with you.
You may have a house or flat, a car, shares or investments, savings plus, of course, your personal possessions. All of these are known as your estate.
By making a will you ensure that when you die your estate is shared according to your wishes as otherwise it will be divided according to pre-set rules. Your partner, children, step-children or grandchildren may not automatically inherit.
Making a will also means that there is no extra stress and worry for your loved at such a difficult and emotional time.
You do not have to have had any prior relationship with Willow Wood to take advantage of their Wills Month, and you are under no obligation to leave them a gift in your will.
However, what may surprise you is that the care of one in five of our patients and their families is made possible by such gifts.
By leaving just one per cent of your estate you are ensuring your family and friends are cared for first. Your loved ones will receive 99 per cent of your belongings, and you can ensure special mementoes are given to those who will appreciate them the most.
Your gift to Willow Wood will mean the Hospice can help local people when they most need its love and support and when the time comes, be cared for with love, dignity and respect.
Details of the local solicitors, who are freely giving their time to the Hospice, can be found online: www.willowwood.info/support-us/wills-months-1