Armed Forces day postponed

THE council and the armed services share a common priority – protection of the public.

For that reason, the council has taken the difficult decision not to hold its Armed Forces Day celebration on Saturday, June 26.

It has done so in light of the Government’s advice on large-scale public gatherings and to make sure the forces community and people in general are placed in no danger while the coronavirus remains such a potent threat.

Cllr Ged Cooney, Tameside Council’s executive member with responsibility for the Armed Forces Covenant, said: “We fully understand the popularity and significance of this event. However, our focus has to be on public safety and protecting the most vulnerable.

“I can assure everyone the decision was not taken lightly. I’m very disappointed we’ve had to make it but we firmly believe postponement is in the best interests of all involved: organisers, volunteers and visitors.

“Armed Forces Day is one of the highlights of Tameside’s cultural events schedule. Building on that legacy, we look forward to hosting a really great event in 2022 that gives our services personnel past-and-present the recognition they deserve, and which everyone can enjoy in safety.”

For more information about Tameside Council’s ongoing commitment to the armed forces, please visit

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