TEAMS across Tameside Council got together to mark World Social Work Day by hosting a series of events across the borough.
The sessions throughout the day were hosted by the four integrated neighbourhood teams and the integrated urgent care team.
These were held so teams could share information about their roles and importance of relationships individuals and their families.
On the day, the teams celebrated everything a social worker could do over a cup of tea with an individual. This could include building trust and assessing how a service user manages their home environment.
The international theme for the Tameside Council-backed World Social Work Day was relationships. This led the teams to organise events that reflected the importance of them in all aspects of social work.
Teams invited colleagues from other professions to share a cup of tea and cake and chat about social work, helping to build closer working relationships.
In the run up to the day, Tameside Council’s shared lives and mental health teams collaborated to record a podcast exploring the importance of relationships in their roles.
Tameside Council social workers in adult social care support individuals and their families throughout their lives. They can work with people affected by dementia, learning disabilities, mental health, long-term illness and physical disabilities.
To find out more about social workers at Tameside Council please call 0161 342 2400 or visit
The podcast which the team produced is available here.